i feel alone. truly alone, even though i know i'm not, i mean before i used to be enough for myself but these days i'm isolated from myself. numb, disjointed , just not all here. i can party as much as i want, intoxicate myself until my eyes don't open ever again, i can submerge myself into massive crowds of people just to feel like i'm around SOMEBODY, i can ******* appreciate nature and walk for hours on end, **** it let me find a new hobby all this **** is repetitive trying to entertain ourselves just to feel content, it;s kinda like we're reliant on life. **** it man at times i don't give a ****, **** life i don't wanna live it . i'm not talking about suicide here because i don't believe in that ****, i don't believe death is an escape no matter how much it calls your name , anyways, i'm talking about life ******* itself i don't care much for these activities that we created just so we don't go ******* crazy but then again i want to be a slave to this so called life go be a model go make some clothes maybe fight a couple cases in court appreciate friends love my family
how do you survive when two extremes exist within you do you shoot someone one day then become a priest do you stop talking then launch into a ******* lecture when you want to stop but you want to run what do you do? i could do both but then time would come and **** me over **** it i'll keep all this in a special place within my mind and use it drive what I've selected to waste my time doing in this world i'll bend everything to my ******* will just watch