Poetry Seepeth through a broken wound Bandage me someone in Cologne of Neptune Taketh away all mine worries Mine heart hast gone scurried To the rats of lonesome romantic alley..... Crimson liquid pain dyed to mine molecule formed brain Splurges in needing all.......... I plot mine own death in stroke calamity Mammy's and pappy's art false in the wait winged box... Art thou in shock? Lover of whom one left thou? For the other person just needed amour And they shalt get it somehow...... If they haveth to wait the next life or two Maby three for thyself and and ten for maxim pool Flying immense airfizzles..... The h2o drizzles As acid to mine brawn..... Til tommorrow a new dawn...
I'll die another day... Being remade..
Just made up not for anyone so don't take wrong lol