I cognized fully in all awareness Coming across her open page I was apperceiving in the moment, That twas her I sought long many lifeyears ago...
I kneweth from old As she still question's what's all to cometh? I kneweth before her, We were mirror souls of heaven's hummus...
As tis She wilt not yet fully understandeth I was a watchmen from beyond It's her love again I demandeth..
I say her love again Due to the fact we learned eachother before, Before the foundation of thy world She was mine mi amour!!!!
As she still is I'm here to guideth her again, She trust's noone Yet for me she shalt in the end...
Because in the end We shalt seeith the stars tumble And earth dissapear Yet like before For mine mi amour,
Again I shalt be near.....
So shed thy tear, oh scholar of mine writing's So thou canst see what true amare is, It's me and her Against the world Treking and nomadic To venue's gone amiss...
But its I who awaiteth again for her everything As tis patience they sayeth is key, Guess I'll just haveth to keepeth waiting For mine spain-moon-beam-queen !!!!!