You have seen flowers fade,
Grown men falter, hard rain
Against bedroom windows,
Felt the numbness of the still
Born babe, sensed the slap
Across the face from Mother’s
Hand, felt the wind of time
Finger your hair, your lover’s
Kiss dry on the brow. You have
Known the hammer blows of
Love, the silence of the night
Alone, the empty bed of lust,
The tiredness at dawn. You
Sought unconditional love,
But found only the love with
Strings attached, with a price
Tag on the gift of love and touch
And maybe promises. You have
Felt the dead baby fall, the womb
Ring empty in the troubled nights,
The poxed phallus between the
Thighs, the sour kisses of long
Betraying love. You have played
Bach until the ears bled, played
Cards with a drowned woman,
Dreamed of the sister you never
Had, dreamed of the baby you
Lost, felt the baby **** on the
Dug, sensed the dream fade to
A dead baby’s coffin. You sleep
And you wake, you want to live
And want to die, you want to be
Forever young, a perpetual mother,
A constant lover, an untroubled
Daughter, not be lonely, left in
The dark, sacrificed on someone’s
****** altar. You are and am not,
Born to be, then left to rot, you
Want your mother’s embrace,
Want certainty, want undying
Love, God’s redeeming grace.
2010 POEM.