Ѫ Can Ѫ Ꙋou Ⴔ Wake Ⴔ The Փ Sleeping Wolf? Փ <><><> Θ Gravity Θ ( Centered ) ϴ Stars ϴ \/ Aligned \/ <><><> You are ж My sense ж ⧭⧬ Of Conception ⧬⧭ <><><> Ͼ Lovers of moonlight Ͽ շ In A Reign շ Ӿ Of Cedar Ӿ .::.Towers.::. <><><> ||||| Shake ||||| Oh ||||||||| Shake ||||||||| ● Nail ● Me ⥀ To the ⥁ _Floor_ <><><> In the փ Book of the Lion փ It's ⇷Raining⇸ Ψ Violence Ψ