she’s tied to nothing but her own self, and that’s what she’s trying to run away from she smashes face with older men who taste like bitterness and beer, she’s loving girls in bedroom closets; and burning little boys with death stare rejection she’s never been held in arms that shake, in arms that tremble from her touch she’s never been chest to chest with a heart that beats for her she’s never been kissed back with love, only lust she’s never held a hand that didn’t hold on too tight she’s never had a mama that didn’t drink, or a daddy that didn’t cheat… she’s got one hand on the steering wheel and another on his knee, she’s too afraid to ask him, “come along with me.” cause no one has ever stayed, she’s only been the girl for the night, the best friend who’s love didn’t feel right so she drives him home and follows him through the door, she’s going to try to forget herself a little more