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Jun 2015
Do you remember when we first met?
Our greetings, our smiles, our laughter
Hitting it right of the bat we became friends
Like it was fate that brought us together
Because I do.

Do you recall when I first asked you out?
My heart burst when you said that sweet yes
After having overcome my inner single-boy shyness
And you sheepishly smiling as I jumped around
Because I do.

How about when we had our first date?
Strolling around the mall like children as they play
Sharing stories and laughing as we enjoyed the time
The movie, the food, do you remember all that?
Because I do.

That first kiss you and I shared?
God that was a night to remember
Your sweet lips locked against mine
Under the moonlit, star-filled night sky
Because I do.

How about our first fight?
Do you remember that awful night?
I said sorry when you had gone silent and started to cry
Hugging you tight, realizing what I did was not right
Because I do.

That evening of dance and joy, do you recall?
The night of prom, where I took you as my partner
You looked beautiful that night, so much that I saw no other girl
The way you smiled as we danced, rested your head against my shoulders
Because I do.

Lastly, do you remember when we had to go our separate ways
Knowing that we can never work out with our present state
The love we had after all we’ve been through fleeted
Like the leaves in the fall, our feelings flew away.
Because I do

All these I remember, vividly and clearly
But now, you act as if the only thing that happened
Was meeting each other and becoming friends
You remember things differently from what I had said
But I didn’t.
Jon Faux
Written by
Jon Faux
   Tapiwa Individualist and M
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