Something about the smell of rain soaked pavement Just after the storm settles Just after the winds whip My wet hair into my eyes
Something about the gentle slide of tires Occasionally losing their grip Because I get lost in the heavy thud of sky Begging to break in through the roof And I step a little harder on the gas pedal
The way the earth smells Just after the storm passes The way the palm trees regain their height Despite the hurricane of your sighs The way the water always finds its way back to itself The same water that is on my lips will eventually be there again
And it makes me almost believe That I might actually be able to come clean someday That forgiveness is the rain pulling the dirt away Knowing that once it leaves we’ll be ***** again
I tell you this as I drive with the sunroof open And the windows down My hand is out the window palm up and cupped You remind me how stupid I am
So I let the flood in And we both get wet And while the rain runs down my face I secretly cry
And just as suddenly as it started It stops I wipe my face and step out
There is something about the smell Of rain soaked pavement Just after the storm passes