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Jun 2015
Bitter at the world, bitter at life, bitter negative miserable unfair life. How is a man supposed to be positive when the **** hits the fan. Sorry for himself, sorry that he even tried to keep on breathing, sorry that he can't express any feeling. Selfish and arrogant, can't see past the tunnel, too bitter to look at the good, rather he looks at his past and present circumstances. Doesn't believe he'll have a better future,people say God has a plan for his life, but he would rather sulk in the darkness, instead of looking in the light.  Truth is he has lost faith, he has lost hope, he needs help from something to cope.  It's hard to get rid of bitterness when you've been in it so long, only the strong survive, so he needs to come along. Otherwise the only road left is the one to destruction , which will eventually lead to death. My advise is don't become the bitter man, stay on the good path, never lose track of who you are.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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