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Water In My Veins
Jun 2015
How sweet it is
Cactus breeze
The sticky sweet flavors coating my lungs
Drowning out her laugh
Focusing on his smile
They all know my name
Say it with enthusiasm
Protest loudly when I say I have to leave
I stay an extra hour
But none of them really notice
They are too busy
Her laugh is all his smile sees
All my lips do is paint a smile
And take another hit
I am not alone in my chain smoking
This is a two person caterpillar
One with history
We stay put that extra hour of mine
Close together on that couch
Smoke hiding us from everyone
The lights are dimmed
We are alone
Nothing happens
We talk and talk
For what seems like hours
Though it’s only one
My head rests on their chest
As I take another hit
Their arm lays comfortably over me
All of this is familiar
None of it feels wrong
Yet it isn’t as everything belongs
We speak like the old friends we are
No hidden lust
Just real words in a world of smoke
I no longer care what his smile sees
I am happy where I am
Talking of past adventures
Another comes in
Says they’re leaving
We both protest loudly
Plans are said to be made then
We all want to invite his smile
But not her laugh
I don’t feel guilty for my thoughts
I am allowed to have them
To act on them
Her pale skin in the harsh light
I can barely understand
What power she holds over him
But some how I hold similar
I happen to not try to wreck friendships
As she already attempted
The maturity that our host shows
Is astounding
He didn’t win but still stands
We all are proud of him though
Even if some are unaware
Of the battle that occurred
He made it! He made it!
All of us gathered here to celebrate
Our hosts accomplishment
The roasts that occurred
Bring smiles to everyone's face
Even my painted on smiles turn true
This group
Even if I am new
Feels like home
I’m comfortable staying on the couch with old friends
Or venturing out with new ones
Staying put by one’s self is accepted as well
I can’t believe this group is leaving
I am one of the few who will stay
They all will be moving away
For now we all relish each other
Those of us who have known one another for forever
Or those who have just met
These summer nights will be some of the best of our lives
Laughter mixing with
Hookah smoke
I am falling in love
But for once its not with a person
It's with a group
And a life
This is going to be great <3
Written by
Water In My Veins
Pradip Chattopadhyay
poetessa diabolica
Jeremy Duff
Eliza Ramerez
2 others
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