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Jun 2015
Cold world, with a gold lust, with a heart stuck in the darkness of greed. There is no escape from the envious world. Greed is good, they said, but everyone accepted that the reality was something else. They, the inhabitant stirred as the search for the other had begun. What existed before was forgotten, buried in a past, buried away which was accepted as a good thing. For most, the impulse; the need to have others feel one another's need was elfish as well- can't they feel what I need?" Can't they know what I am thinking? All they do is think of themselves! Those who I have hired to invest my earnings for me, then they go and spend my profit for their own profit. How dare they take a slice for themselves, rob me from what was mine. What kind of deal is this? Cruelty begets cruelty, I guess this world and I have one thing in common we are a disease!
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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