Closed in so tight by this ten-cornered room; It rains through the window with thunder and gloom. The branches reach out and scratch with anxiety; But my window stays closed, as I pose in shear piety. I blast my heart-attack music as loud as she dares; Rest on the bed deep in thought with no cares. Need some water, cotton mouthes swam in the same canal as me as a child, and memory manifests. Tuck myself in comfortably about my new nest; And what's best, or even better, or maybe just a tad less: Is that I just cannot come to accept the fact that life is worth breathing without you: Especially, lately--eyes shaking, dry heaving in doubt of truth. Pretty sure you know what I mean, unless I'm asleep once again, and this is just a memory of a dream on replay. Who knows these days. Certainly stay lazy and lose thought when down under