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Jun 2015
For those of you
who wonder if the devil is alive.

Ive seen him,
with my own eyes...

This is not a metaphor or a
symbolistic write of someone
who hurt me.

is it a venom word spit
of someone that has made
me bleed.

That kind of beauty
does not come from
human breed.

Take heed.

Because the Devil
is real.

and he is beautiful...
it is not the red horns
you see in books


the grotesque voice
that boils the feeling of
evil afoot...

he is all shimmer
and wicked smiles.

Beauty is his strongest deception.
That way
it feels worth while.

And that,
is the most disturbing part...

We are obsessed...

with him,

and we do not even know it.

This is the harshness of being
a poet.

It is the beautiful things that make
our work.

The hurt
is his smirk.

do not believe if you wish...
you do not have to take my words
as true.

But one thing I must say...
whether you accept it or not.

He definitely believes,
in you.
Written by
beautyshesmear  between humanism and word
(between humanism and word)   
       Jonny Angel, ---, Jason Cole, ---, --- and 17 others
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