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Jun 2015
Had I told the moon
What I felt for you
It would turn a shade darker out of envy
And leave the world in darkness
Only to be my personal guide

Had I shown the sky
What I would do for you
It would fall down
Willing to be the
land I walk on

Had I touched the flower
With the softness
I touched you,
It would shed its petals
So that I could pick them up
And put them in my favorite book

Had I looked at stars
With a gaze I've reserved only for you
They would gladly leave their home
And fall at my feet

Had I whispered the poems
I write for you
To the wind
It would gather all the breeze
And sit on my palm
Hoping to be held
I could have the world
But I did not,
My words fell upon deaf ears,
Till they faded into oblivion
Not a single emotion
was stirred in you.

PS: the note is hypothetical, and nothing like that happened, since family members have the link to my account, it's better to clarify.
Written by
Aditi  20/F/India
   ---, McNe, --- and Vinay Kr
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