If you say it will be a great day, it will be a great day.... If you say it will be a bad day, it will be a bad day.... ----- If you say you will be rich, then you will be rich.... If you say you are poor, then you will be poor.... ---- If you say you are happy, you will be happy..... If you say you are sad, you will be sad..... ----- If you are a humble person, doors will open..... If you are a selfish person, doors will close..... ----- If you are stressed, try to shake it off...... Yes it is hard, (take B-12 daily) ----- I can beat these thoughts to death, so i will keep it short........ ----- Life is much shorter then most think.... What is important is to be grateful everyday... Be thankful for life every day when you wake... ---- If you can't understand this, the your stuck in a hole, the rut of life. ---- All I can suggest to one is to read 1 Corinthians: 13 "LOVE"