They say we'd burn equal to what we've burnt In 9 circles of hell Of being non-baptized to treachery They say we'll suffer (from their greatest imagination)
But did the omniscient God know this will happen to me But can the omnipotent God control and not be punishable For they said, He is the most powerful in the entire
"Fear not Hell, for if it exists, you shall find yourself in a good company." Many men will suffer in hell for not believing in such existence From ancient walkers to modern tribes believing other gods Good non-believers who have helped more than the believers The scientists and philosophers who answered and invented good (What if they invent aircon, instead)
And you know, the baddest people will burn with us There may be those who are wicked or hold good ideals And the devil who punishes among us will understand Together we all understand the pain from the heaven Understanding each other, why do we have to suffer for eternity When they were still alive, they were able to change Humans can change, metanoia Why not in Hell? For the punishments too great to bear Shall make sufferers change and realize they have done wrong
This Hell is complicated, what about in Heaven? Heaven, so easy to understand because it offers only eternal bliss Unlike Hell where you can only imagine fear Just because of the fear people make Didn't they know, the pope and people got it in 14th century From the works of Dante Alighieri Increasing the baptized population because of fear
Of Hell where we sinners will burn So complicated So fairy tale