You meet a stranger and hit it straight off the bat You say "see ya later" when you never know if you will It's just the hope You see someone crying You go to comfort them talking about Jesus You say "I'll always be here" Knowing your own shoulders bare enough You see someone alone You take that seat next to them You say "You're not lonely anymore" Knowing you were the one that was lonely You see someone getting bullied You say "I'm here" Knowing that no one is there when your parent's fight You see someone depressed You try everything in vain to cheer them up You say "Just be happy" With images of your parents unhappy Hugging your younger siblings Cursing God You see someone disbelieving You go and spread the good word Promising them God is real When you are angry at Him You say "God will never forget you" Eventhough you feel like nothing more but a shadow You see someone happy You can't help but stare You fall in love with their smile It causes you to smile Knowing you have lost yourself You try your hardest to cheer everyone up When you haven't seen a rainbow in days People are crazy.