On their faces are three hands altogether telling the hours, minutes and seconds that pass by amidst this all are your smiling eyes expressively inviting..
from where you are and where i am....., it's just a stone's throw away i look but not look yet i see and i desire...
you belong to someone else but no one can stop me from dreaming.... and in the dark solitude of my room i say your name with a thousand fluttering sighs
i imagine how tightly your gentle but sturdy arms would hold me
i visualize your wondrous kiss that will linger on my lips for days and days to come....
this fascination leaves me breathless.... but i take control, and keep it contained...
- for i know i am alone in my feelings-
and i have no way to tell you unless you read my passionate words...
that your being is already tattooed technicolorly in my mind
and all i want is to thank you for making this tired, old heart beat again.......