If y'all were to go to Heaven Y'all would be sent down to The South In a little town called Texas Where the tea is sweeter Where chivalry still exists Where we all drive muddy pickups And dance in the rain in our cowboy boots Where we all say howdy And say ain't like it's not meant for over yonder There isn't a single stranger in Texas We all know each other We are a tight knit town always waiting to give a lending hand If we were to secede The other states would miss us There would be a big gaping hole on the map The heart and the fist of The United States of America We are Texans You mess with one You get the whole can of whoopass We could be your worst nightmare Or your best dream Just don't talk smack from where I'm from We will get on you with our whips and shotguns We are Texans We don't settle And we don't keep calm We are God- Fearin', Constituional- lovin', Gun- Bearin' Republicans.