it is not uncommon for my younger brother to ask me for help picking out his clothes but today he took off his shirt to try on a new one and stopped, looking down, viewing that his stomach stuck out past his chest as most little boys do and said "I think I'm kinda fat" he is eight years old I could probably fit one hand around his entire thigh he pokes and prods at skin that won't give because what he thinks is fat is simply keeping his organs in he has already been preconditioned to believe he is not enough or he is too much he is eight years old I don't know whether to tell him he isn't or to explain to him that he would not be any less valuable if he were because I don't want him to take it as an insult I don't want him to feel hurt like I do every time I see myself in a photograph he is half my age I ask him why and he grabs his stomach and says "I see fat" he is eight years old