A change of mind a change of heart a step this way or that a moment held or given a step away from light naive or dark.
Is choice an invitation and if so by whom or what?
Those million thoughts that lead to actions now or down the track: and then this what if that to pick up to put down to left to right to leave to stay and on until a path or paths are found or trod or followed.
If everything is choice what is not - to step from instinct to intuition - to love my wife - to love my children - to love the god of life - to write this.
The barometer of heart the judge and jury of the mind the guides the angels assisting and the thoughts that tend to lead to actions that tend to lead to feelings that tend to lead to more thoughts which sometimes are discoveries that tend to lead to choices down the track.
The map of my life can be seen by turning my head to the south. With the benefit of hindsight I see I am and have been passenger and pilot messenger and message drawing and drawn but with this I must ask is it that I am also a choice and if so by whom?