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May 2015
Hiding in your bedroom praying they wont find you. feeling like a freak but the pain feels too good  holding out on hope. working your way to the bottom. all of what is left may as well be gone.
if i could climb my way to heaven without being guilty i would look to the father and ask how it should be. but when i open my eyes this hell it arrives. crying in the corner talking to the shadows asking them to save you praying god will **** you. nothing is there. you're all but forgotten your body is dead and your mind is numb. decisions are stupid but you're not the only one. if you breathe one more day that's another they hate. A crime they create becomes one we commit. you're already free while another tries to escape.
Written by
FallenInTorment  22/F/Among the broken...
(22/F/Among the broken...)   
   paper boats, AJ and B
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