The Lion of Panshir United different ethnic groups Uzbeks and Turkmen People from Kandhar, Paktiyah, and Jalalabad Under the Northern Alliance
He went to try to negotiate with the Taliban He said they were "In a different world"
The Taliban are not Muslims They are murderers and thugs They do not serve Allah
The Lion of Panshir and the Mujahideen Defended his native homeland from the Taliban
The Taliban could not enter the Panshir Valley 10,000 Taliban were slayed By the Mighty Lion of Panshir and his forces
The mighty lion went to try to negotiate with the Taliban He said they were "In a different world" Death to the Taliban
May God continue to bless the ancestors of the mighty lion of Panshir And the people of the Panshir Valley The true followers of Allah The Most High God
100,000 people gathered For the funeral of Ahmed Massoud Great leader, Loving father, Proud warrior They built a musem in his honor
Your spirit lives on Ahmed Massoud Allahu Akbar! God is greatest And you were one of His greatest servants