No breath without a shudder, No thought with my guts stirring like the brew of an ancient witch. I feel like I'm dying Slowly but surely, Withering away without you. I had found something that gave me reason And without this reason my body has little patience for me My mind has resumed its onslaught No matter what I do there's a constant thrumming That floods from my shot nerves, flows through my skin, Echoes in my lungs forming into a mad cacophony in My skull. Tense, heart lazily pumps blood like that of a man painfully dying My eyes are filled with a haze, seemingly at only half capacity I am dead without that which gave me life I either without that which gave me hope The world is no longer a good place. It is rather A cracked, evil wasteland of twisted metal And concrete, spires raking deep cuts in the sky Eviscerated, the ground belches poisonous gas, Vomits blistering magma The rippling heat is enough to **** a man, but in my sorroi am deathless Tortured in the flames of a corrupted earth. That is to say, I have reluctantly returned to the homeplanet upon which I was born From which I was rescued Returnee to the desolate To die in the desolate A wretched actor rather than a free man A heinous villain instead of the hero I am the beast of darkness that lives on the screaming minds of reaved souls Not Peace Not love Only agony my constant companion They tell me to live, the voices, to come with them into the light Heathen gods, mad swirling chaos. I am in hell