In a dark corner I sit in a ball arms holding my knees to my chest Trying to digest the stress I feel pressed against my neck Like it wants me not to breathe Not even sure of what to believe What are my beliefs And is it all just a placebo relief from whatever grief until we can find our next piece of happiness Or is this as good as it gets Left with the memories that are Suppose to comfort me Instead they remind me of what I lost All i see is the loss and the cost of taking it for granted So now I pay in regret for wut I don't have left while I try to collect all the Pieces to correct a shattered life That lost respect Both mine and those around me but surround me as if to drown me by Pounding my made mistakes in my Face like the stake to a vampires heart My only residule is this art that I was never smart enough to use Properly but it is my only property And All my life has to offer me And so I offer these to you In hopes that once it's spoke I can say it wasn't all for nothing That my heart was broke That my spirit was gone That my soul was ***** That those that depended on me Remain hungry and thirsty And onthe end I warn u if u wish for life not to scourn you Don't be like me and let ur insecurities pour through Don't feel sorry for urself oh poor u Cause u can't afford to So I implore u and inform u That poisonous is self doubt Or bath in ur own tears smelling like Failure and no one can help Take it from me a man who Couldn't learn to believe In himself......