I'm following in my own footsteps, Repeating history You'd think it was a joke If I told you the whole truth
My tales are like a really ****** up television show It's hard to say what motivates me Other than lust, And a need for love
I can't say that I regret what I've done I've had quite a lot of fun
But I've wronged a few men in my day Gave them every reason to run They return, simply yearning for more Until I tell them, they aren't the chosen one
It's rough, I know I've been bad I've been awful
I do feel sorry for hurting anyone, But **** I never told them to feel any emotions for me I just wanted to have a little fun Be carefree
And maybe that's my issue I show my true colors to those who I fancy for a moment But I don't want more than a few rolls in the hay, A warm night atop some young stud
This seems to get them all excited As if I am always down for a good time As if I never have my bad days As if I could carry us through a field full of freshly blooming daisies every day of our lives
These guys are dreaming If they believe that
I'm just around for the moment I'm not here to plant seeds