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May 2015
This life is like an adventure in ways. It has a begining and end. There are struggles and hurdles along the way. You can't take many things with you. Some things you have to leave behind. You have to be careful when choosing what to take with you. You never know what is going to happen. It could end in an instant or could last a long time. There is a peak in the middle. You can focus in the high points or focus on the low ones. If you don't prepare, you might not make it to your final destination. Like an adventure, you choose your destination. You get to make all the choices on which paths to take and which to avoid. You can make life worth living or you will regret even going. Life is an adventure.
Written by
Madeleine  Place I didnt know exists
(Place I didnt know exists)   
   --- and Camron Elliott
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