I look for your name in books- lonely black words on yellowing pages, in film credits- stark white on black, when the sad song plays. Your name on the creases of my bedsheets, it appears to me on heavy dark nights
I was always okay walking through this world without boys like you. Now I cross the street to meet you when I think I see you at traffic lights. When they blink I think of your eyes.
I don't fall in love. My mother always told me not to. 'Live to break hearts, not have your heart broken.' Some day, she said, though not in words, someone will fall in love with the space between your eyes and the last rays of sunshine in your hair.
But walls keep them out like unwanted guests. Cutting tongue and harsh sarcasm keeps them at a safe distance, barely visible behind the bricks stacked up around me.
Yet why is it now, with you I feel these walls crumbling around me into dust... So I put my heart in a padlocked box
Guilt keeps me quiet when the boy with eyes like treacle sends me words on little slips of paper I read them and think of you Then wish to rip them apart.
My heart beats heavy in its box, I wait for you to arrive with the keys to reveal the secret I won't share. The secret I don't share with boys like you
How long do I have to go before I can let it out myself and show it to you?
I take baby steps on carpeted stairs in lecture halls, looking for your face
Your face, your name. Etched into my brain.
I wanted a boy I didn't have to love. Now I want to love you with every inch of me Every inch of my once cold heart