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Jan 2010
They both stood as if divided,
and yet remained joined-
in matrimony

The wedding rings tighter now,
The white dress paler
Memories and former passions
simply relics of the past,
Left to smolder in the dying embers

Touching her hand
he felt cold.
Her emotions re-iterated in everything she did.
Her eyes wandered listlessly around the room,
whilst she stood, gazing-
at nothing

Once they had lived,
now the early stages of decay had set in.
Once they had loved,
now that was over, hate had set in

Do they know these separated people,
what bitterness can do?
Do they know what anger and
spite and hatred can turn into?

No- for if they did,
then this bed would not be empty
nor this room so cold.
For love would light the fire
and warm the coldest of rooms
Written by
amber agha
   Daniel Coleman
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