stand still in transmogrification my thoughts are lost in constant annihilation a puddle smooth as mirror of skies as rain weeps under silhouetted lies
we wander astray perplexed our entire lives never to really smooth the wrinkles frowned in despise a circling globe of mesmerizing flights of peoples souls awakening restless at night
we wonder and ponder at thoughts what lie in yonder a dreamer's dream sunlit in beauty of clouds perhaps we wander to bury our own fire
and as series of flashes whisks astray never fully to contemplate why we love to drink sights so faraway why we never see beyond certainty of date
that the rubies in waking hours and gems of thoughtless creatures are all and same, as one together systematic to the longevity with one another
for one to truly live there is nothing but one in unison, simply as beastly elegance to rest desire