Glances are all I get. Glances are how I speak to you. Do you get it?
A glance. one.
One look to ask a million questions. "Do you know I like you?" "Do you care?" "How do you like my hair, curly or straight?" "Do you think I'm ugly?" "Do you think I'm pretty?" "How long are you going to make me wait?"
All in a glance, just one.
I pass you in the halls and when I open my mouth to speak my brain stalls, so I just look. So I turn back around and pretend like I need my theory book, so I can ask you something, but I catch your eyes and again, I'm shook.
And I'm stuck with a glance. Just one.
"Do you have a girl?" "What kinds of things do you like?" "Did I rub you the wrong way?" "Are you not interested?" "If so, then what's you're type, who is she?" "...Why are you doing this to me?"
I just need you to read my mind so, I can have peace of mind, and not have to wonder what if. The worst you could say is no. But its still not what I'm trying to hear. Because I don't want to see you in a year and wonder....What if.
So I'll wait for Monday, and then from Monday to Thursday, and from Thursday to Friday, and from Friday to Monday, and from 9:00 to 4:00.
So this time I'll speak up But I hope you don't creep up And catch me off guard And leave me with more questions And another glance.
Just one.
"How was your day?" "Can I meet you at ten?" "Where do you want to eat?" " Can we go back to your place?" "What's your Netflix password?" "What do you want to watch?" "Eew, you like this show?" "You know I'm not paying attention, right?" "You know I'm attracted to you, right." "Kiss me again." "**** me."