Hyphenate thy walking ground, your thy hunger of slumbered town's, you fenced in doer!!! You rider of wild waves, homogenous to honeycomb's taste of thine hydrogen of implorations!!! Impotent words turn potent to imply further instruction,
Farther corruption comes, Easier the raindrops flow! Idle all your masteries to thine miseries, Your sorceries likely unknown!!
I'm impoverish beyond belief, Beyond thy receipts of studded diamond jewelry I have found!!! Manifest questor, You fancy and plain dresser's, Arr thou lucratively winning? Or art thou just beginning to lounge into modernized gain? Marauders bones turn to sauder, As Mardi gras is now the countries front page...
Marvel martyr's so penitent to past and present sin!!!
Pensioner's live in penthouse, While ourn world copes to its end.....