The fact the rich are getting richer likewise the poor stay poor. As the ones in between every where increase the profits for the rich. Plus pay the taxes and benefits to not receiving the recognition.
Those with money get obscenely richer a division is obvious to see. Countries going bankrupt who suffers not those with the mega bucks. The interest covers their daily need they are their own breed.
When we are told these times are hard this for millionaires does not apply. Certainly no worries how they will pay heating motor fuel what problem? Without any financial debt to be met fly off on holiday in the private jet.
Those thought of as the poor draw benefits not working it is not worth their while. The ones in the middle are the true mugs losing the most in every quarter. Jobs, countless taxes the cost of living for them life is not forgiving.
But how long before currencies are worthless when nobody can afford to buy. Could every being be worth the same a meltdown of the human game!
The Foureyed Poet.
The rich have no problems with the bills. The poor are the poor. But those in the middle pay most of the bills! Losing out while supporting the other two! The Foureyed Poet.