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May 2015
I hope you are happy
I hope talking to him brings you the happiness I couldn't give you
You have given me my reason to move on from you
I've realized that I gave you everything
I'm trying to get it all back now
My love seems to go beyond human nature which ends in me getting ****** over
You ****** me over
I have a hard time telling you how I actually feel because offending you is not something I want to do
But I can't deal
So here it goes
I feel destroyed
Cut down
Kicked in the face
Dragged around
I want to yell at you
Spew hate
Tell you how much I can't stand you
But in reality
I ******* love you
The fact that I ******* love you makes my skin crawl
You really had it all but dropped the ball
Now I feel two feet tall
And I want to hate you
I really want to ******* hate you
Because maybe that would make moving on easier
You have no problem moving on
Isn't that ******* great
When did you stop loving me
I'll let you know when I stop loving you
This all came out of the blue
But apparently everyone knew
The joke is on you Jackie
Now I understand why you ask for our plans every week
It's so you could see him
Why don't you just kick me in the face
I'm already on the ground
So why not take it all and leave me broken down
And the fact that I gave you my heart makes me feel stupid now
But let's be honest
Who really cares
I could end it all right here
When you told me
I literally wanted to curl into a ball in the middle of the road and hope that a car would take me
I stood there with my heart in my throat as you told me you were seeing someone else
You asked if I was okay
I'm great
I can feel so much pain
And not go insane
I threw everything away
Including your ring
I can't sit and stare at it anymore
**** all of this
You wanted to know how I felt
Well this is it
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