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May 2015
The days are getting longer.
It's not just that summer's coming, it's the loneliness that's engulfing my being.
I know it's too late, but that doesn't keep me from wanting to change all of this. But i feel like i'm slowly drowning in quicksand.
How do i get out of this pit?
Every time i try to move i get lower.
How far till i hit the bottom?
I think i've already been there.
Am i sinking deeper? Or finally finding my way out?
Either way i know i need to find the strength to do this for myself, by myself.
Because all that's left are ghosts and blurry memories of old lovers, friends, and the ones i was too afraid to let in.
But you haunt me the most.
Why does everything always lead back to you?
Maybe you were the light that was trying to guide me to safety.
Or maybe you were to lead me to tragedy.
Only one thing is certain, and that is my soul is searching for yours.
Whether you're my next savior, or the devil in disguise.
Something inside just won't let the memories die.
Jade Lima
Written by
Jade Lima  Newmarket, Ontario
(Newmarket, Ontario)   
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