Today I was called a charity case, for its my fault that all I wish had happened to me was drown, for its my fault that my hair is dyed, that I wear leggings every day, and eat anything Im served and just say "Ok" for it's my fault that I'm not sensitive, or that I get straight A's, But it's not my fault my parents weren't around, it's not my fault that I had to struggle just to rise above the ground, it's not my fault I need to work full time young to just succeed, it's not my fault that I get help from people decent enough to help a person in need. But I am not charity case. I work hard for the things that I have, for the future I will grasp, So take your ignorant self, and bang your head against some glass.
Im proud of who I am, and for the kids who work hard for there futures when coming from a hard background