sunlight creeps from behind intermediate cloud cover above the stratocumulus, trails crisscross giving a geometry to the affair a barley discernable silver thread reaches out from my belly button and stretches into the heavens above – feeling myself fall backwards to the ground I am simultaneously...instantaneously shot, as if from a circus cannon, up recognizing my three-hundred sixty degree field of vision I helplessly watch my body fade from view – surrounded in ermine fur softness and basking in a warm orange light I visit the cosmos travelling beyond relativity laws, universes collide birth themselves and form life again all the while a nagging distracts the journey – strobe light ****** inside a mirrored room flashback acid trip melted Datsun at sunrise fathers body, emaciated and lifeless wall of flesh filling double French doors not a crack or fold to be seen – cold dog nose pushes my hand and brings my back to what we perceive as real smiling to myself I think about the amazing things I will see when dead –