Perpetual clouds dominate this place I long to be rid of this loathsome place Wishing the depression, the fear, the pain To be swept away like leaves in the rain
I know that nothing can be known for sure I hold on to the things that can be sure Not wishing to dwell in the darkness around me Wishing to come to light, wishing to see
And though the darkness keeps pressing in I do my best not to let it in I do my best to stay true to myself Not to put my beliefs away on the shelf
It's hard to stay strong when you're pressured to change When everyone around you wants you to change When you see the people, riddled with sin Try to explain to you why we should be kin
In the perpetual darkness, for now I have to escape, but not now I have to keep going, I have to stay I have to understand why they say what they say
And though I am surrounded with no exit I don't want to leave early, to walk out the exit Because though the darkness presses hard I want in my deck, the darkness card
The card that shows the world where I've been The places, the splendor, the sadness within The memories of times not so good I don't think I should let them go, but maybe I should And maybe all I've said is for naught I just want to show the world that I fought That I didn't give up when the light seemed to vanish That I didn't curse it, so I shouldn't be banished That I sought to find the bright in each day Well that's what I want, I just don't know if it will end up that way