And we lay there under fast moving clouds sometimes-revealed stars in the reclined seats of my mother’s car outside of the other boy’s house hands behind our heads let the wind from the open windows blow the humidity from our foreheads
I find you so handsome in the weak moonlight the strong bridge of your nose standing out from underneath your shaggy hair the bright whiteness of your teeth as you grin, amusing yourself with words
Our conversation is give and take Neither speaks more or less than the other give each other time for thought in a delicately held balance I find comforting just like when we were so young
The days when your mother drunk dialed and your father tried as hard as he could when you clung to me and my words walked from North Platte to Lincoln to escape her long red fingernails and fall into my open arms
All I ever wanted was to see you smile the same as now while we wait in the car but you left me when your mother stopped when you found yourself stable, happy even I became irrelevant, despite professed love
I know you further than the other girls. far enough to sit in the back of my mother’s car seats reclined, watching shadows pass over the moon looking at me like you used to you see right through to the center of me of course I still love you.