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Apr 2015
The city torn

The place they say is full of thugs
To me they are people that have had no hugs
And has been replaced with nothing but shrugs
And denied real love

In a country that was born on
Liberty and Justice for all
I have to wonder who is the all
Where is the liberty in it all  

In one city of many cities
Where your color
Is important to others
When we all should be standing as brothers

Where people have to act on their fears
Then die by the hand
Of the very people  
that should not be bringing on so many tears  

To think that life/a person
is something
that they cannot endure
Something so pure

So to the citizens of Baltimore
Fight your fight
Please do not give up don't let them  
see you in flight
Stand for what you know is right

Stay calm
Stay peaceful
And the out come will be right............
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
   Cecil Miller
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