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Apr 2015
She shuffled her feet uncomfortably as glowing cracks of light appeared below her feet.
The veins of light expanded and engulfed the darkness, evaporating the stale, swampy water from her field of unbolted flowers.
A million suns rose and cast their revealing light on the shadows in her mind.
She saw the billions of galaxies surrounding her trapped inside electric graymatter.
Spilling out into sound and vision. To be shared and admired.
She wanted to grow her own oak tree, a mighty one, with branches to offer birds and shimmering gray leaves to kiss the summer and suffice to the winter.
Driving her roots into the soil she noticed it was salted.
So she jumped into the ocean and lay down on her back and became an island with azure fields.
"My bones can be a house for the fish" was her final sigh as she gazed into past ancient light.
Dacia B
Written by
Dacia B
   Deepak shodhan
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