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Apr 2015
What happened to
It's not in the cards
Something I am not waiting for
So far
What did I do
I have been to every place
Looking for
What is it waiting for
For me to go insane
While waiting for
Can't be over
When it's never been
For me so far
I have decided it's never going to be for me
Not ugly
And have everything a man needs
If you know what I mean
It sure has been lean
Some say I just am in between
Maybe in a quarantine
Should I ask my Dean
What the word means
I would not say it's something that I deserve
Not to
Getting down
Will it come and change my mind
That it will never be mine
I have to believe
That someday
I will miss it
Then that will mean
I had it
And  it was mine..............
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
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