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Apr 2015
You barricade yourself behind a different smile everyday
A facade to convince them that you know only a life of happiness
My heart finds itself on its knees begging to catch a glimpse what it is you hide
Wondering if ever I will lay eyes on the trail that leads back to your heart
Someone having branded marks on a painite embellished by heaven
Every nerve in my body yearning tell you that in the depth of the Titanic I would have been your life jacket
I want to know when you are hurting
I want to know when you find yourself in solitary confinement
Your mind riddled with fear and eyes drowning in tears
I want to know!!
And finally when I am certain I know
I will let the tight embrace of my heart keep you warm and safe
Unable to unstrap yourself from its affection, I will softly whisper in your ear
And remind you that all of my being loves you,
And that all of my heart is yours
Sean GJ Cullery
Written by
Sean GJ Cullery  Stellenbosch
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