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Apr 2015
You can find me in my room
My refuge in a home
I have lived in for too long

Eating my bowl of hamhock soup with beans
Recording Churchill's speeches on my iphone
What a good man he was

We must stand up to evil
Stand up to those who threaten liberal democracies

But in America today
Our greatest enemy lies within, not without

Our own government not holding fast
To the principles upon which it was founded

False illusions that this economic situation
Is under control

Like bailouts,stimulus packages, jobs bills,
Regulation in industry, unconstitutional power grabs,
Dismissal of historical laws, changes in the legislative process
And changes in checks and balaces of power

We have a false sense of security
Big government is hurting us
Not helping us

TSA pat downs
NSA privacy intrusions

Over arching centralized government model
Begins to take control

A New World Order
Is what they have planned
No more national sovereignty

I'm not going to the FEMA camp
Some thoughts taken from Ultimate Issues, "Losing America...How Did We Get Here?
Written by
Matt  34/M/Los Angeles
(34/M/Los Angeles)   
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