I awake to a light shining upon my temple, bask in the amber hues of dawn - in the throes of fascination I gaze out to a land magnificently vivid and beautifully drawn,
clouds that are semi-crescent wisps remnants of a giant silken web spun, mountains and mountains of pumice rock from which crystallised water runs
field after field of emerald lemongrass, hundreds of bovine cattle that stroll and graze - a sky so agonisingly blue it near blinds the sun, a picturesque paradise which can never be erased,
and as the trees around sway and bend so does my fragile mind; enthralled in this utopia and believing false perceptions I take a step forward and leave reality behind -
heart crashing to a shuddering stop as I catch a glimpse of my battered reflection -
alone in the semi-darkness of my bathroom riding alongside the Devil on a one-trip road to perfection.