Boulevard royalty mingling with animals in open cages Instances become signposts for alleged tolerance But it’s time to go back to the gates of where we’re from To tell of speculative social forays to an adoring audience
Seamless air pockets provoking thought, constructing miniature crosses piercing walls where painful paintings were hung But you decided being a crow was better than being a rooster There is no difference but black is the color of the song being sung
Passionately significant but intellectually deficient Sensitive jealousies masquerading polemic tendencies Dreads worn for life not for the fears of who would notice An intrusive memory loss was all that could save their enemies
As ludicrous as foot stools for wheels or sleep when morning breaks Social dynamics treated reservedly by contemporaneous mocking birds Philistine rounder’s no more or less competent than square faced priests Believe me, the time we forget is only because we cannot say the words
The story ended before the introduction did because they never met The pre-text may be questioned but the post mortem changes nothing The only evil that is selected are outrages that inoculate us from shock Warm friendliness does not sink the rocky rapids that are no longer asking
Confounding lines of judgment and reckless carriages await their turn Canon or pulp; equally intriguing depending on which way towards the sun Systematic folding chairs gaze at danger but in the manner a priest would He swallows before telling the congregation he is not a man or the one
The reconstruction of peace begins with a soft breeze and earth tones Necessary or essential, it is all the same for the time it takes to be sane Within the sacrament principle we beg pain to restrict our movements Linguistically inexperienced emotionally spent will we ever be the same
Dreams of flying with leaves under wires calmly watching man fall short Incantation pastoral discovery of what aspect we could never know Until you feel nothing between lovers except what is written on the heart The one who walked away will never know the one who told them so