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Apr 2015
I heard a pounding on the ground as the sun rose above the horizon The herd was coming. Over the rolling hills came the herd of wild mustangs. Their hooves vibrating the earth. Their manes tangled and blowing in the wind. Their ears alert, their large brown eyes looked wild. I longed to run with them. I noticed one of the majestic creatures was slowing. stopping completely, it stared at me. Its tail curled around its back hoof. Its soft gently brown eyes seemed to be looking into me soul. Its nostrils flared as the soft breeze brushed through its mane. dipping its head, it began to trot back to the others. its slow trot morphed into a canter then ending in a gallop. I watched the majestic creature gallop off into the day, never to be seen again. I knew now that mustangs were wild. They are as free as you and me. A smile spread across my face as the herd was never to be see again.
I enjoyed writing this surprisingly more so then I have any others. I feel like I am in the situation myself and can picture the wild mustang trotting over and staring at me.
Written by
Madeleine  Place I didnt know exists
(Place I didnt know exists)   
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