I miss you incredibly And not the kind of miss where I feel like I need you right here- right by my side, I mean the kind of miss where I would wake up to you- early mornings on my time every weekend, while you're still trying to sleep asking if I could come into your arms... I miss the moment when you would hold up the blanket letting me in- allowing for the electricity of my body to mesh with yours. I miss rubbing my fingers through the scruffiness of your beard- however uneven the lines, I miss twirling my fingers around that one piece of hair- right above your forehead. I miss kissing you passionately making each moment like a science- hot like blowing glass. I miss your laughter, your reassuring nod, the way your head shook when I would say "I'm ready for bed" ...we both know I wasn't ready for bed- I was ready for you- all of you; the smell of you, the taste of you, the touch of you. when I say I miss you, I don't mean it in a selfish way... I mean it in a way of misunderstanding. How can it be that the universe has agreed to separate us- you're there and I am here, waiting for you, waiting for us.... I miss you in all the ways I love you.