Everyday is a day closer to you fading from my memory. I am getting better, I am seeing sunlight in my eyes again. I am feeling flowers bloom between the empty spaces you left. I am starting to recognise my reflection in the sky. Everyday is a step closer to me being me.
Although the light has returned to my eyes and I can now smell earl grey tea and listen to red hot chilli peppers without tears stinging my eyes you have this sick way of luring me in again.
You are so good at luring me into your ocean of fake smiles and "I miss you's" your "I still love you's" hit me harder than the first time I fell for you so why do you keep drowning me without even looking back to see that I am not breathing. I hate the way you come strolling back into my life the second my long lost happiness returns. I hate the way that I let you.