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Apr 2015
Now I've hit rock bottom
I've cut
I've drank
I let everything slip away
Life doesn't seem worth it
The universe has reveresed it
I went from being on top of the world
To falling so hard that it made everything around me shake
Why can't I be happy?
Why did I rely on her to make me happy?
Why did everything seem perfect when deep down I know that's not how it works
If you could see me right now you wouldn't know where to look
I'm lost
I literally have no direction
If you handed me a map with step by step directions I would probably eat it
I actually can't eat anything
Why should I care when she's no longer there
I ****** up
And she doesn't want to deal with it
But when it came to her crazy mood swings I took the brunt of it
I walked up a mountain for her
Not a metaphorical mountain
I actually mean a ******* mountain
Everyday so I could try and make her pain go away
Now mines here to stay
She thinks I'm changing
But in reality I'm trying to grasp some form of sanity
Because I gave her a ring along with my heart and she knew exactly what to do
I don't even like this game anymore
I forfeit
I lose
And I just want my joy again
I lost it when I cried because another girl stole my light again
And I know I'm not perfect but I thought I was worth it
I'm angry
And all I did was try to understand
That life is complicated and we don't always have solid plans
But why would you let me fall for you
I just scrapped myself off the floor
And you watched me do that
I can't keep putting myself back together
I've finally learned that
Rock bottom will be my wake up call
I don't need your support at all
I gave you all I had
But it's not what you wanted
Someday someone will want it
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